• chevron_rightHow do I signup for this site?
    To sign up for this site use the register link in the top right corner of the homepage. Here you can fill in your name, email, and address information.  Once submitted, it will be reviewed to confirm it matches ownership records and then approved.  You will receive an email once it is approved.  
  • chevron_rightWhat are the Bylaws?
    The Bylaws are the guidelines for the operation of the non-profit corporation. The Bylaws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Directors, the terms of the Directors, the membership's voting rights, required meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a business.
  • chevron_rightWhat are the CC&R'S?
    The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) are the governing legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the planned community as a non-profit corporation. The CC&R's were recorded by the County recorder's office of the County in which the property is located and are included in the title to your property. Failure to abide by the CC&R's may result in a fine to a homeowner by the Association.
  • chevron_rightWhat is a homeowner's association?
    It is a non-profit corporation registered with the State and managed by a duly elected Board of Directors. Its purpose is to maintain all common areas and to govern the community in accordance with the provision of the legal documents: CC&R's, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation. The corporation is financially supported by all members of the homeowners association. Membership is both automatic and mandatory.
  • chevron_rightWhat is the Board of Directors?
    The Homeowner's Association again is a corporation and therefore a governing body that is required to oversee its business. The Board of Directors is elected by the homeowners, or as otherwise specified in the bylaws. The limitation and restrictions of the powers of the Board of Directors is outlined in the Association governing documents.
  • chevron_rightTrees in the greenbelt are hanging over my property. Can I trim them or cut them down?
    In general, we ask all our homeowners to treat greenbelt trees as if they were your neighbor's trees.  The greenbelt is one of the biggest community assets we have and we're committed to keeping it a natural space.  We regularly have an arborist walk through and evaluate the trees in the greenbelt so we can do preventative maintenance on any trees that are threatening life or property. If you think this tree is threatening life or property and must be cut down immediately please contact either our Maintenance Chair or our Community Manager and schedule time for one of them to meet you and discuss what to do in person.  Please do not cut down any trees in the greenbelt without consulting us in person.
    If there are tree limbs that hang over your property line you are absolutely allowed to trim those back to your property line provided that you dispose of the tree limbs in your yard waste.  Please be aware that the Homeowner's Association is not liable for any damage or injury that results from maintenance you decide to perform on a tree.  If you would like the contact information of the tree trimming company we use I'm happy to provide that.